Fellowships are an effective modality for UNESCO to enhance the human resources of Member States, especially developing countries, building their capacities. Fellowships are specially tailored training which are designed to give qualified persons, practicing or intending to practice a profession in the field of the UNESCO programme priorities, an opportunity to receive additional and practical training. Thus, contributing to the advancement and circulation of knowledge and skill, to promote development and international understanding.

Resolution 13.6 of the 28th Session of the General Conference requests “…the Director-General to regard the Ghana Commission  for UNESCO as the official channel in Member States for the submission of fellowship applications…”. Thus, the UNESCO Secretariat cannot consider applications from individuals as all applications must be channeled through the National Commission for UNESCO of the candidate’s country. Without this endorsement no application may be examined by UNESCO.

Under the Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programmes of UNESCO, the Ghana National Commission for UNESCO has regularly submitted qualified applications of Ghanaians for the following fellowship programmes:

How to participate

Here are some easy steps to follow:

  1. Look-up the desired Fellowship Programme
  2. Check for the Announcement Letter/Call for Applications for the desired Fellowship Programme
  3. Carefully read the information provided under the desired Fellowship Programme
  4. Download the Fellowship Application Form which pertains to the Fellowship Programme being applied for
  5. Complete the form with the required information
  6. Attach the necessary supporting documents indicated in the Announcement Letter
  7. Submit your application to the Ghana National Commission for UNESCO, two (2) clear weeks prior to the stipulated deadline in the Announcement Letter
  8. Wait for a response