To ensure that Ghana plays a lead role in UNESCO’s efforts to foster peace and international co-operation to promote sustainable development.
To promote peace and international co-operation through Education, The Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information.
The Commission performs the following functions:
- Acts as an advisory body to the government in determining policies with regard to UNESCO and its programmes.
- Serves as a liason agency involving Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in UNESCO activities for the advancement of Education, the Sciences, Culture and Communication, with the aim of advancing mutual knowledge and understanding of UNESCO’s work towards the common welfare of human-kind.
- Disseminates information from and to UNESCO.
- Exchanges information and experiences with its counterparts in Member States of the Organization.
- Fosters close co-operation between state agencies and services, professionals and other universities as well General Conferences and other inter-governmental meetings convened by UNESCO, in the preparations of Ghana’s position papers by preparing the contribution of Government to the work of these meetings.
- Participates in the search for candidates for vacant UNESCO posts financed under the regular programme or from extra- budgetary resources, and in the placement of UNESCO Fellowship holders.
- Participates in the planning and execution of activities entrusted to UNESCO which are undertaken with the assistance of the United Nations in Ghana.