Get engaged in Germany with kulturweit-Incoming!
Apply by 10.03.2024 (12:00 noon CET) for the international education programme of the German UNESCO Commission!
Are you interested in culture, nature, education, sports? Would you like to gain international experience and get involved in Germany?
The German Commission for UNESCO invites women* up to the age of 30 from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia as well as young people from Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar, Namibia and Togo to spend three months in a cultural or educational institution in Germany from the end of August 2024. Important requirement: German language skills of at least B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The work placements include UNESCO project schools, biosphere reserves and world heritage sites, theatres, museums and foundations, sports and cultural associations, universities and Goethe Institutes as well as organisations in the field of sustainability. As an intern, you will support the assignment location with event organisation, public relations work or implementing projects with children and young people.

Your work placement in Germany will be financially supported and educationally supervised by the German UNESCO Commission. You can find out everything you need to know about kulturweit Incoming and how to apply here: